What: Making up Jars of Love 
When: 10 April 2022 
Where: Linda abode 
Cost: Food and drink, empty bottles, ingredients for the bottles
Patrons: Amie, Nadine, Lucy, Linda, Grace and Fiona
Organised by: Linda
So, a few weeks before my KKC session, I asked the ladies to start collecting ingredients and jars to fill. On the day Amie quickly got the conveyor belt system sorted adn we were off. We filled the jars in layers of rice, soup mix, split peas, lentils and soup powder adn topped off with a stock cube. The jar was then finished off with a sticker on how to make the soup.
I made a pot of soup with the same ingredients and just added cut-up pieces of chicken breasts (2) and cubed potatoes (2) and to be honest, it came out very yummy!
With all the ingredients we had, I thought we'd be busy for at least 2+ hours, but with the very effecient system set up by Amie and the rest of the KKC ladies, we were done in about an hour, filling +/ 80 jars. 
Lucy donated most of the jars to Maria Williams as she is quite involved with the Chester Williams informal settlement, and, with a recent fire that ravaged the settlement, they were grateful for the donation. I kept a few bottles to hand out to the car guards as an extra during winter.
Thank you for a lovely afternoon, filling jars of hope and love and the chit chatting in between.