What:  Fallen Angels and Lunch
When:  21 November 2018
Where:  N7
Cost:  Donations made
Patrons Present:  Kerry, Amber, Abby, Carli, Amie, Vannessa, Mitchell
Organised by:  Kerry

We drove out to the Fallen Angels farm on a very windy Cape Town day to play with the animals.   Fallen Angels is a non-profit organisation who care for abandoned and unwanted dogs and cats.  They have over 300 dogs and not as many cats.  They do incredible work and require all the funding they can get to cover their enormous vet, food and staff bills.  The staff stay within enclosures to reassure the animals  that there are good and trusted humans looking after them and close by.  We took some doggie beds, blankets, treats and food.
  We were greeted by Craig and shown around.  He was ecstatic that we were there to help out and offered to have some dogs brought to us, to lead into their doggy park area for play time.  I had a vision of cuddling and gently playing with these animals........oh no no.  The dogs were so excited to go to the doggy park that we were catapulted forward at a head jerking, arms outstretched, fast paced run induced walk (that means - dogs trying to gallop and humans trying to look dignified whilst being pulled along).  The dogs went crazy in the park, running, barking, furiously digging, playing and finally.........after checking every corner of the park, some of the dogs came for cuddles and treats.  
After an hour or so, these dogs were taken away and a new lot brought in, that made the first lot look like little haloed hounds, this bunch was decidedly off their rockers!!!  The alpha male was a tough guy that let everyone (dogs and humans) know who was in charge, one little dog ran to the handler in the park with us, and stayed by his side and away from Mr Alpha Ego.  When it came time to take these rascals back to their enclosure, it was as if the ghetto in these mutts came to the fore and all the gangster instincts began to seep from every pore.  The brave, fierce, deep growling, hackled haired beasts took us on a non-nonchalant walk back.  At the enclosure all hell broke loose as the rival gang aka the dudes and dudettes in the adjoining enclosure went ape-sh*t and one of the dudes ran up the wire and leapt out.  Hooooo Haaa!!!  He was reined in and brought back to face another day and rival.
We then, with fast beating hearts, went to say our goodbyes and left the farm, in a sandy and wind-blown, dog-licked condition.
Vannessa and Mitchell headed off home and the rest of us went onto Melkbos Kitchen for lunch.  What a stark contrast, I could almost hear the angels plucking away on their harps in this serene environment.  The food, was absolutely delicious, the service - well everything you would expect in this calm and beautiful space.
All in all - it was an awesome day.
Thanks to everyone for attending and donating.