When: 4 November 2023
Where: Kerry's new home
Cost: Plate of food
Patrons Present: Kerry, Mom Pat, Sharon, Lucy, Grace, Janine, Nadine, Fiona, Carla-Anne, Harper, Carol, Van M, Ana-Rita, Clarissa, Van S and Ma Gail
Organised by: Van S
A wonderful day celebrating new beginnings for Kerry and her mom in their new home. Another new beginning of life getting to meet each "aunty" sharing a special moment with Harper. Life is precious and these special moments are ones to always remember and treasure. Friendship extended over many years and some shorter years but always having each other's back and holding each other up through the good times and those more difficult times.
Vann M did share her tye-dye goodies.
Ps, and yes, no crafting got done .. (well except for Carol), wasn't the day for it. Alll of the above was needed more💖