What:  Chat, Chill and Clothes (etc) swop
When:  27 April
Where:  Amie's house
Cost:  no money, but donations to the swop were welcomed
Patrons present:  Fiona, Nadine, Ana-Rita, Clarissa, Peyton, Lucy, Amie, special arrival Janine
Organised by:  Amie

As April is the month of birthdays, I decided to have something low-key at my house. The girls got together for a session of chilling and chatting - which we combined with a clothes swop. The clothes swop events have become increasingly popular and have expanded from clothes and shoes to jewelry and any other previously loved home and decor items. Fiona and Clarissa proved themselves to be excellent stylists and created quite a few lovely ensembles - 2 of which were worn to church the next day.
We were very excited to have Janine join us for her first official appointment back on home soil.
Snacks were consumed, bubbly flowed and the afternoon was filled with relaxation and belly laughs - a perfect day.
All leftover items were donated to the Little Braveheart Luxury Garage Sale which will be taking place on 4 & 5 May.  Thank you to Lucy for  the great suggestion and delivering the goods to them.