Getting Sorted, de-cluttering - July 2014

What:   Simply Organised, de-cluttering
When:  August 2014
Where:  Walsh house, Kleinbosch
Cost:    R70 per person. Bring a plate of eats, wine, drinks and one item you haven’t used in the last year, and your ToDo List.
Patrons Present:  Amie, Janine, Carol, Ana-Rita, Kerry, Nadine, Fiona, Clarissa, Carmen, Lucy, Vicky, Vannessa.
Organised by:  Lucy

Fun ways to simplify your life by James Smal & Claire van Zyl

We learnt many new tips on how to approach de-cluttering as well as time saving tips e.g. where to put your keys in order that you never waste time looking for them.  We now have a useful tool to prioritise our To Do List and ensure we focus on eating the Frogs before reviewing our C and D lists.

We Shared some delicious snacks and wine and then some more wine.  The afternoon was most informative and enjoyed by all.  Thanks to James Smal from SORTED ( and Claire van Zyl from Visionary Life Services ( for presenting the workshop.